How do I use the AccessMedicine mobile app?


First, register for a MyAccess account, then download the mobile app and log in:

  1. Go to AccessMedicine
  2. Click on Sign In or Create a Free MyAccess Profile from the Sign In/University of New England menu in the very upper right
  3. Register for a MyAccess Profile using the email, username, and password of your choosing
  4. Find the free AccessMedicine app in your device's app store and install
  5. Open the app and sign in using the email and password that you chose

You are allowed to install the app on one smartphone and one tablet device.

Your account and mobile access are valid for 90 days. To retain your access, log into AccessMedicine through the UNE Library website at least every 90 days to confirm your UNE affiliation.

  • Last Updated Jul 16, 2024
  • Views 265
  • Answered By Cindy Stewart

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