What is MaineCat?

MaineCat is a statewide resource sharing network between Maine's participating public and academic libraries. You can use MaineCat to request books or DVDs that are not available at the UNE Libraries, and they will be delivered to the campus you choose. You will receive an email when MaineCat books have arrived, and can pick them up at the library front desk. 


MaineCat is a statewide program which allows you to request books and videos not available at the UNE Libraries from other participating libraries in the state and have them delivered to the UNE campus of your choice. To use MaineCat: 

  1. First, search library resources for the title
  2. If it's not available, you will see an option to "Search MaineCat" 
  3. Select the title and choose "Request this Item"
  4. Choose University of New England as your library home library
  5. Choose the campus library to which you would like the item sent
  6. Enter your UNE personal reference number (PRN; 9-digit number beginning with 910) 
  7. You will receive an email when your item is ready to be picked up. 
  • Last Updated Sep 24, 2024
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Amanda Leen

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