What about Google Scholar?


Google offers a search engine for academic research: Google Scholar. It is possible to link your UNE access to Google Scholar so that journal sites will recognize your UNE access when you click on an article link in Google Scholar. This link to Google Scholar will also recognize your UNE credentials. 

Google Scholar can be helpful for: 

  • Ease of use; similar features of Google web search
  • Search by cited feature
  • Ranking of results
  • Citation information provided
  • Full-text if available
  • Finding "gray literature" like conference proceedings. It includes many articles that might not get included in databases.
  • Locating more information on partial citations.


However, Google Scholar is not our first recommendation to start your search because: 

Journal Quality

Google Scholar does not vet the journals that may appear in search results. Predatory publishing is a large and growing problem. Google Scholar search results may include articles from low-quality predatory journals, and citing such articles in your academic work can undermine the credibility of your paper. Use Cabell's Predatory Reports if you have questions about a journals legitimacy.  

Filters & Advanced Search

Google Scholar does not offer filters or advanced search features which allow you to limit results by peer review, discipline, publish date or other criteria. Filters & Advanced Search make it quicker and easier to identify relevant results and are a feature available in the library resources search and in the research databases you’ll find in our Research by Subject Guides.

How to Set up Google Scholar

If you would like to link your UNE account to Google Scholar:

  1. Go to scholar.google.com
  2. Click on the top-right menu and select “Settings”
  3. Select “Library Links”
  4. Enter “University of New England” in the search box
  5. Choose “UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND – ProQuest Fulltext”


  • Last Updated Jul 16, 2024
  • Views 1051
  • Answered By Amanda Leen

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